Child Custody in Texas: How to File After a Violent Act

Many couples in Texas face the challenge of trying to get or keep custody of their children after a relationship has ended due to a domestic violence situation. Therefore, if you are a victim of this type of action along with your children, and you are seeking custody of them during or after a divorce, […]

Divorce in Texas: Common grounds and how to file

In today’s society, divorce is becoming more common. The reason? In part, because people (especially young people) like to be constantly on the move now. With so many choices and options available to them, along with the prevalence of the Internet, people are getting divorced at an increasing or accelerating rate, according to lawyers specializing […]

Violent Crimes in Texas: What to do if I am part of one?

Violent crimes have been on the rise in Texas in recent years, according to specialists in criminal and criminal defense, which has been a cause of concern for the inhabitants of the state to take action regarding it. In this post today, we’ll talk a bit about violent crime in Texas, what to do if […]

Fraud in Texas: Common Scam Cases Pt. II

In one of our last texts, we talked about the most common forms or ways in Texas to practice scams. During the last years, after the pandemic due to COVID-19, the number of frauds, especially by telephone or digital, have become a common way to extort or deceive naive people who request help, product, good, […]

Immigration in Texas: basic information about processes and procedures

To be a permanent resident of the United States, it is necessary that you consider and know certain administrative processes, this to know if you are a potential resident of this country, regardless of your place of origin or former residence. In this text, we address some basic questions that people have towards the Immigration […]

Fraud in Texas: Common Scam Cases Pt. I

A recent study by the firm Social Catfish, a company dedicated to preventing online scams through reverse lookup technology, ranked the State of Texas as the second place with the highest number of frauds in the country, this according to the website of the Dallas News newspaper. Taking the above into consideration, in the following […]

What to do if I am accused of homicide in Texas?

According to specialists in the area, and the Texas penal code, homicide can be defined as the unlawful or wrongful death of a human being. Regardless of the causes that caused the death of another human being, this crime is often classified as murder, manslaughter and negligent manslaughter. Next, we talk a little about this […]

Domestic Violence in Texas: Frequent Allegations

Any action or behavior that threatens the well-being of a home, its relatives and even its surroundings, whether or not there is direct verbal or physical aggression, could be considered domestic violence, especially if it comes from a spouse, husband or concubine . However, there are times when an act with another type of intention […]

Deadly Weapons Crimes: What You Need to Know if You’r

Any object that has been designed, manufactured or molded for the purpose of inflicting harm on another human being can be considered a tool for punishable purposes. While it is difficult to determine the number of firearms in private hands within the State of Texas, figures from the Small Arms Survey, a Swiss-based research project, […]